Global Biotechnology Services




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Learn about the services we perform in the laboratories of Global Biotechnology Services


Genomic sequencing of solid tumors

Analysis using nucleic acids extracted from tumor tissue that allows for the genetic characterization of tumors affecting the patient, enabling the development of personalized oncology, facilitating individualized diagnosis, prognosis, and prediction of treatment response.


Liquid biopsy genomic sequencing

Simultaneous study of circulating tumor DNA and RNA (ctDNA and ctRNA) through massive sequencing for the detection of clinically relevant mutations in the patient’s plasma, achieving tumor characterization in patients without a biopsy for early detection of treatment resistance, prognosis prediction, and non-invasive disease monitoring.


Germline/hereditary cancer studies

(liquid samples)

Using molecular genetics techniques, specifically updated gene panels based on the latest scientific publications, we can provide an updated diagnosis with minimal response time, focusing on the study of hereditary breast and ovarian cancers, colorectal cancer, melanoma, pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer, and other relevant types of cancer.



Massive pooling

(liquid samples) for screening healthy patients

Application of NGS to large groups of healthy patients to identify possible individuals susceptible to presenting a clinically associated mutation in circulating DNA and RNA, related to the development of oncological pathology, and to improve prevention and detection.


Non-invasive neonatal testing

Complete sequencing of the fetal genome freely circulating in maternal blood to detect chromosomal abnormalities and/or copy number variations (CNVs), enabling early detection of potential genetic abnormalities and informed decision-making regarding treatment or pregnancy management, as well as determining fetal sex or Rh group.

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